HALSA smashes Fiesta Barrio
HALSA’s Executive Board and a few of their general members.
RWU’s HALSA (Hispanic and Latinx Student Association) put on quite the fiesta barrio or “block party” last Friday, and students were having quite a time. Between attempting to conquer the mechanical bull and swinging for dear life at the piñata, it was a great way for students to blow off some steam with finals just around the corner. HALSA Vice President Tanya Acosta said HALSA was one of the first clubs she was looking to join when she came to RWU, and she wanted a sense of community. “Being far away from home, I wanted something where I could go and hang out and relate to the people I was with.” Acosta also said that HALSA is “a safe environment” for people to “hang out and learn about all of our cultures.” HALSA meets Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Intercultural Center.

Luke Brennan is the Editor-in-Chief of The Hawks' Herald, previously serving as Managing Editor (2021-2022), Opinions Editor (2020-2021) and as a...