Students and employees vaccinated at on-campus clinic

Sierra Gorkun

A nurse practitioner administers a dose of the Pfizer vaccine to a student on April 27 during an on-campus COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Roger Williams University. 330 students and employees signed up for the clinic.

330 students and employees at Roger Williams University signed up for the university’s first on-campus COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesday, April 27, where those with appointments were administered doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Vice President of Student Life John King said the majority of those signed up were students.

Prior to this clinic, University President Ioannis Miaoulis announced in an April 1 email that all RWU students would be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine for the fall semester unless they had religious or medical exemptions.

From Friday, April 23 to Sunday, April 25, the university also provided continuous shuttle service to students without transportation to a point of distribution in Middletown, Rhode Island to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Approximately 120 students signed up for vaccinations at that location, according to King.

Senior James Shapiro, who received his vaccine at the clinic, said he thought the vaccination process went pretty well.

“It was pretty smooth and quite nice,” Shapiro said. “It was very official and I quite enjoyed it.”

Sophomore Joe Lombardo, who was also vaccinated at the clinic, expressed a similar sentiment.

“It was really good and really fast,” Lombardo said. “It was very easy to follow. There were people helping every step of the way.”

“It was actually kind of an exciting experience to get the vaccine and be part of an important history,” Lombardo said.

Students and faculty who received the vaccine at the clinic had different reasons for doing so. Sophomore Brianna Simmons said she got the vaccine so she could see her family.

“I got the vaccine mainly for my family because I haven’t been able to see them in a while,” Simmons said. “I’m from Bermuda so I haven’t seen them in like a year. I want to go back home and see them really bad.”

Junior Michelle Correia said she got the vaccine for the people she lives with at home.

“I got the vaccine because I live with my grandparents, so that’s a big reason,” Correia said. “Also, I feel like it would help make it safer and get us out of this sooner.”

Freshman Emily Salvi said she got the vaccine in preparation for summer plans.

“I leave for California the first week of June so I needed to have the vaccine soon,” Salvi said.

Assistant Women’s Lacrosse Coach Kaelin Hogan said she got the vaccine because of her job.

“I’m a teacher but I’m also the assistant lacrosse coach so just to be safe,” Hogan said.

King said the university was grateful to those who helped with the clinic.

“The university is grateful to the Department of Health and the Bristol Fire and Police Departments for making it possible for our students and employees in Bristol to enjoy easy and convenient vaccine appointment scheduling on campus,” King said.

“Achieving the most complete vaccination rate possible is the clearest pathway to herd immunity and returning to the robust, fully engaged and interactive campus experience that students attending RWU expect and miss greatly.”