Virtual Bristol Bookfest

Join the virtual Bristol Bookfest from Oct. 16 to 18! This three-day public humanities program focuses on nationally known literary text, and for the 2020 season, conversations will be about the 1946 book, “All the King’s Men,” by Pulitzer Prize winning author Robert Penn Warren. As a political novel following the career of U.S. senator and Louisiana governor, Huey Long, there will be much to discuss during the online bookfest. Some prominent speakers for the event include the scholars Ernest Suarez of The Catholic University of America and John Burt of Brandeis University who will help engage their audience in an intellectually challenging discussion.

The program is completely free to attendees and offers the opportunity to closely read the literary text and open up conversations about the book’s content. The four scholar presentations occurring online include two on Friday, Oct. 16 and two on Saturday, Oct. 17. The event on Sunday, Oct. 18 will feature a live keynote talk with speakers doing a roundtable discussion and will occur from 4 to 6 p.m.

Access is limited for the event, so sign up now to join in on the close reading of a novel filled with politics, power, race, transformation and more!