Roger Williams University Community Standards Brief

Submitted by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards

Fairness • Honesty • Integrity

In proactive communication, the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards highlights selected student conduct statistics from the past academic year. The outcomes of cases during the 2015-2016 academic year resulting in suspension or expulsion from RWU are listed below.

Behavioral incidents are of great concern throughout American higher education and society as a whole. Accordingly, RWU devotes serious attention to these matters. Last year, we observed students separated from RWU due to incidents of sexual assault and domestic assault. Separations due to incidents of physical assault and fighting also occur each year and are of concern. We hope that students will continue to join us in working to prevent these behaviors and their harmful effects. We also highly encourage students to report such incidents. Please remember that suspension from the University is typically for 1 semester up to an indefinite time and usually begins immediately. Expulsion is permanent and once found responsible, students are immediately withdrawn from their classes. Suspensions and expulsions are listed on students’ academic transcripts. Students are responsible for all financial obligations for the semester when the sanction occurred. During suspensions and expulsions, responsible individuals are banned from University property. In accordance with state and federal laws protecting the privacy of student records, identifying information in the following report is excluded.

2015-2016 Student Conduct Suspensions (3)

  • 1 suspension for physical assault and alcohol off campus. This student was arrested.
  • 1 suspension for alcohol and marijuana violation while on probation as well as violation of residence hall ban at Baypoint.
  • 1 suspension for physical assault and alcohol at North Campus.

2015-2016 Student Conduct Expulsions (6)

  • 1 expulsion for hit and run, alcohol and theft off campus. This student was arrested.
  • 2 expulsions for non-consensual sexual intercourse on campus.
  • 1 expulsion for non-consensual sexual contact, physical assault, and alcohol on campus.
  • 1 expulsion for non-consensual sexual contact and coercion on campus.
  • 1 expulsion for domestic assault, alcohol, and civility on campus.

We also find that a number of students lose housing privileges during the year due to probation violations and/or multiple alcohol or drug violations. We hope to create an awareness of response to community disruptions as well as to educate students to think before you act and please make decisions that will positively benefit the community. Education, restoration, and protection are the intended outcomes of the Student Conduct system. We seek to enhance the educational missions of the University and the Division of Student Life by setting and promoting high standards while treating each student with dignity and respect. If there are questions about the process or behavioral concerns, please contact us at 401-254-3042 or contact a RA, Core, or Public Safety at 401-254-3333.

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards Roger Williams University • Follow @RWUStuConduct on Twitter