Persevering toward a path for you

Photo by Trey Powers

Jessica Colwick | Herald Contributor

College is a time for fun and excitement, but it can also be a time for stress and pressure. Students are expected to get good grades, join clubs, make and maintain friendships, and most important of all, figure out what they are going to do career-wise for the rest of their lives. Many people have struggled with this last pressure, as have I.

Figuring out what you are going to be doing every day until you retire is a stress unlike any other that I have ever faced. However, there are a lot of resources here on campus that are available to use if you are stuck (like I was), not knowing what your career path should be.

First of all, there is the Career Center. It is filled with people who are capable and eager to help in your search for what job is best for you. Second, your professors (from my experience) would always be glad to talk to you about what you should do, especially if you are thinking about a career that is in their line of work. But no matter what your professors or the Career Center says about what you should do, I urge you to follow your dreams and pursue the career that you feel like you were destined for.

Since senior year of high school, I’ve wanted to be an attorney and practice some sort of law. However, recently my parents have challenged me regarding this ambition, trying to make sure that being a lawyer is something I really want to do. Upon being challenged, I reached out to my uncle who is an attorney. We had a long talk about what being a lawyer takes and how much time and dedication you would have to put in to be where he is at. At first I was scared, but then I realized I could not picture myself doing anything else.

A career is something that you are going to be doing for a good portion of your life, and you need to think about a lot of things such as: will the work I’m doing make me happy? Does this career have the kind of salary I’m looking for? Do I have the necessary skills for this career? Am I willing to go through the schooling required for this career?

These are just a few questions among many others. But it ultimately comes down to doing what you love and loving what you do. So go out there, do your research, and follow your dreams!