Dance Club puts in work for show

Kayla Ebner | Editor-in-Chief 

Choreographing a dance is like putting together a giant puzzle… except all of the pieces are moving.

For sophomore Meghan Marchetti, Dance Club choreographer, putting the puzzle together is her favorite part.

“It’s very rewarding because you produce this piece at the time and I get to dance beside [the dancers] too,” she said.

Marchetti, a criminal justice and psychology double major, has been a dancer her whole life and knew she wanted to continue her passion into college. After hearing people talk about Dance Club, she decided to try out to be a choreographer and fell in love with the process of putting a whole piece together. 

In addition to the making of the dance, there are several other tasks that choreographers are responsible for in Dance Club.

“As the choreographer, we have the responsibility of choosing who we want in our piece,” Marchetti said.

The choreographers hold auditions where anyone who is interested in their dance can try out. Based on their vision for the piece as well as the dancers’ performances, choreographers choose who they would like to perform it. In addition, choreographers must make sure that dancers are active club members and also pick out music, costumes and lighting for their pieces.

As if choreographing one dance wasn’t enough, Dance Club officers take on an entire new set of responsibilities.

For senior Cassie Myers, Dance Club president and elementary education major, overseeing the whole club is a part of her daily routine.

She and the other Dance Club officers, including Vice President Maddie Pizzuti, Secretary Lucia Petruccelli and Treasurer Sarah White, pick each choreographer, schedule all rehearsal times, take care of behind-the-scenes setup for the show and more. All of this is done in addition to their own pieces and other dances they may be helping out with.

Myers noted that one of her favorite parts of the club is that it’s student-led, making it fun but also challenging.

Dance Club is unique because people of all skill levels are able to join.

“It’s still a great way for you to enjoy dancing without the pressures of worrying about if you’re the best or anything like that,” Myers said.

“Group dance” is performed as the last piece in every Dance Club show and does not require an audition. This year, the group dance is a Backstreet Boys mash-up. Everyone involved with the club loves what they do, which makes it easier to have fun while being productive at the same time.

“”It’s awesome to share your love of dance with everybody else that you dance with,” Marchetti said.

Treasurer and senior Sarah White agreed and noted that she likes being able to enjoy dance without the huge time commitment.

“I like Dance Club because it’s a release from the stress of classes,” she said.

This year’s Dance Club show takes place on Nov. 17. It is one of the most highly attended student-led events of the year, so make sure you don’t miss it!