Racy Stacy: Sexting Etiquette “sextiquette”

Sexting was the “it” thing when we were in high school. It made us feel grown up and maybe even a little bit scandalous. But as we age, our preferences change. Which begs the
question: Are we over sexting?
I talked to a few RWU alumni to get the scoop on in-college and post-college sexting.
“I hate sexting –– no thank you. I think it’s uncomfortable and I think guys get more into it than girls,” one female said. “If my boyfriend ever sent me a nude, I would punch him in the face.”
Another alumnus said she sent a nude sophomore year.
“I think I was in the library bathroom — sometime after finals or midterms,” she said. “For me, it’s more of an early college thing.”
No matter what your preference, there are some guide rules to keeping yourself safe.
– Send it to the right person: double check the contact name before sending away. Try
explaining that one to your mom.
– Trust: Know that the person you are sexting isn’t going to share them with anyone else.
(whether that be pictures or texts)
– Don’t put your face in –– we’ve all been there, you know you shouldn’t do it. So, don’t.
– For the fellas –– an unsolicited dick pic is rarely wanted. Sorry to burst your bubble.
– Turn off your iCloud –– you don’t want to open your laptop in class to your most private
pictures. Just makes more work for you to delete them from multiple locations.
– Be aware of your background –– that toilet is not aesthetic.