Ten Tips to Help Prepare You for the Rest of the Semester
In exactly 50 days, the spring semester will be over. In order to help prepare for the next seven weeks, here are some tips to ease your way into the end of the semester.
Clean your room
When was the last time you vacuumed your room? Do you even own a vacuum? Spending a few hours one weekend to wash windows, clear away dust and vacuum will help your room sparkle and make you feel more organized.
Declutter your closet
Out with the old and in with the new. Free your life of items you never wear that are taking up space in your closet. This way, you can fill the empty space with new clothes from a shopping spree.
Get work done earlier
We all like to procrastinate but completing homework ahead of time will lead to less stress later. It also leaves more time to hang out with friends.
Finish strong during finals
Don’t give up when the going gets tough. The beach days and Fourth of July fireworks are around the corner, but right now, you need to be prepared for your exams. Set aside time for final projects and study groups so you can enjoy all your A’s when relaxing by the pool.
Take advantage of campus activities
These are your last few weeks on campus. Take advantage of events that clubs are hosting such as paint nights, movies on the lawn and of course, the spring concert.
Focus on fitness
That beach body isn’t going to come over night. Start going to the gym or attending fitness classes offered on campus. This’ll not only make you feel better, but it will tone you up for the summer.
Buy a plant
Nothing gets you more in the mood for spring than seeing nature bloom. Spruce your room up with plants to make it more cheerful and homey.
Stay on top of job searches
Whether you’re returning to a position back home or are looking for a new job, stay on top of the application process. You don’t want to realize too late in the game that there aren’t any positions available.
Make summer plans with friends
Summer will be here before we know it, so set up plans before everyone is back home working or traveling. Planning get-togethers will give you something to look forward to.
Don’t wait until the last minute to pack your belongings
As time consuming as packing can be, you don’t want your RA standing outside your room wondering why you haven’t even taken your sheets off your bed when there’s one minute until you have to officially be out of your room. Packing in small increments creates a leisure packing process so you’re not frantically throwing things into boxes after your last final.

Emma Bartlett was the Hawks’ Herald Arts and Culture Editor — serving students with news about theater, visual arts, and dance performances on...