And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell

Welcome back Hawks! For those of you newbies who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Stacy, Racy Stacy, and I specialize in all things sex, sex education and scandal. Every week I welcome you to indulge in the newest hot topic. This year I want to try something new. I want to hear more from YOU, Hawks. I encourage all of you to go on Twitter and Instagram and follow me @RacyStacy_HH. I will be posting questions and allowing you all chances to comment and share your stories. As always, everything will be kept

anonymous because I am not here to expose people, but instead to report on juicy news around campus.

All of my friends, please come together (in more ways than one if you wish) in helping me thrive this year. I look forward to sharing a scandalous year with all of you filled with the latest on relationships, sex, and everything racy!


Racy Stacy