Hockey creates lifelong relationships

One junior on the Men’s Ice Hockey Team said he was on the ice before he was out of diapers.

Brian Quinn started playing hockey when he was three years old. 

“My dad really enjoyed hockey,” Quinn said. “He had my older brother start playing, that is how I got into it so early on. My dad would go watch my brother and he would bring me along.”

It was pretty easy for Quinn to get started with hockey since he had all of his older brothers’ hand-me-down equipment. Quinn said hockey has always felt natural for him, and that is how he knew it was something he could never give up.

“I couldn’t imagine my life without it,” Quinn said.

He believes hockey has impacted him in many positive ways, as it has helped him build strong relationships with people in college and in high school. While growing up, Quinn played alongside a lot of his classmates on the school team and on a lot of different travel teams.

He also created strong connections with his family — his younger cousin, to be exact. 

“It is a way for me to connect with him on a different level, which I wouldn’t be able to achieve without playing hockey,” he said. 

In addition to forming strong relationships, Quinn believes hockey has prepared him for his future in construction management. 

“Hockey has helped me with time management skills and being able to work with people who share a common goal,” Quinn said.

He said it has helped him figure out the best way to approach any situation and has helped him learn how to deal with conflict. Quinn was just elected as assistant captain of the team. He believes this leadership role will also benefit him later on. 

Overall, he believes hockey has taught him some very special values.

“If you really want something and you put in the time for it, outside of when you are supposed to be doing it to try to make yourself better, you will reap the benefits. It always pays off,” Quinn said.

Throughout his hockey career, Quinn believed the sport has taught him not to take anything for granted. He values the relationships he has made and the people who he has gotten to spend a lot of his time with. 

According to Quinn, the bond between hockey players is a bond like no other.

“You could run into somebody that you played youth hockey with at a bar and you haven’t seen them in years. Just from the shared experience you have had with people, that forms a bond that is there forever,” Quinn said. 

“You always have a connection somewhere; the hockey community is huge.” 

Quinn has made friends from many different locations throughout his hockey career. He now has friends in places like Canada, France and Australia.

 “I have met people from all over Eastern Europe that I would’ve never been able to form relationships with if it wasn’t for hockey,” Quinn said.

Quinn believes coming to RWU created a perfect combination of his passions.

“I was able to still compete and have my major,” Quinn said. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for hockey and I’m thankful for that.”