Men’s Lacrosse is ready to compete in the CCCs

It’s not all about what’s seen on the field for the Men’s Lacrosse Team this season. The focus for this year comes down to the mental game. 

“Last year, we kind of had a couple internal mind games with ourselves… we couldn’t really get over this hump with a couple teams,” junior attackman Tim Mullane said.

On April 4, 2019, the lacrosse team was defeated by Endicott College, losing 12-11 in triple overtime.


But this was a turning point for the Hawks. Despite the loss, the team still played into triple overtime, which inspired a certain confidence in the players.

“That was just kind of a step in our minds like, ‘okay we can play with every team,’” Mullane said. “There’s no one we play on our schedule that we can’t compete with.” 

During the first three weeks of practices, the team has been working on fundamentals while also making sure the freshmen get into the swing of things.

“[It] has been like a big reminder of what we went over last year, kind of having the new kids learn our system,” senior defenseman Drew Mullin said. “Then once everyone kind of gets a hang of that, that’s when we initiate new stuff.”

The team is not focusing on an end goal just yet. Instead, the players are taking the season week by week. 

“You can’t think about CCC playoffs. The season hasn’t even started yet,” Mullin said. “So, it’s just like slow down and take in what’s going on at the moment.”


“Every game we compete in, there is something we can take away from it,” Mullane said.  

The team is looking forward to its first scrimmage against Wheaton College on Saturday, Feb. 15. This is the first time the team gets to compete, using this game as a way to evaluate the team and see where they are at. 

The following week on Wednesday, Feb. 19, the team has its first in season game against Babson College, in Babson Park, Massachusetts.

The Hawks lost to Babson 11-2 in their home opener of spring 2019.  

“They embarrassed us last year on our home field so we will be ready for that game,” Mullane said.


One major goal for the team is making it to the CCC championship, but the players are more focused on making it known to the conference that they are ready to play. 

“We want to prove to everyone in the conference that we can compete with the top teams and beat them,” Mullin said.

Mullin and Mullane have positive outlooks on this season and are looking forward to seeing the team become a family.


“This is the time when everyone gets really close,” Mullane said. “Competing every game alongside one another is a different feeling.”