Should the presidential primaries start in Iowa and New Hamsphire

College Republican view

The Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primaries are said to be the most important and most influential primaries of all the states. After the most recent fiasco, with an app failure that delayed the caucus results for almost a week, people have been trying to find solutions to this question. 

The reality is there isn’t a clear answer to it. If we were to move Iowa out from first, then the next state to take its place would become the new argument between parties on whether it should be the first state. Still, the main gripe that people have with the state is its racial diversity and lack thereof. This is an old game — I hope in the present and future elections, people don’t vote based on a candidate’s skin color but rather on their ideals and values that reflect their political stances. 

Either way, many claim caucus results have an unfair advantage of picking presidential candidates early. Again, this isn’t always the case. Back in 2016, Ted Cruz won the state of Iowa but that obviously didn’t result in a presidency. In the end, these elections are important because the media and other outlets hype up these primaries to the extreme and that is where their real impact occurs. The best thing for people to do is see it as it is: Iowa’s opinion on the candidates. Without this artificial hype, candidates can have a better chance of surviving this initial challenge and overcoming their adversaries in later primary elections. 

It is this reason alone that makes talking about these challenges important. If the groundwork is set to only benefit the front runners, campaigns would be one-sided, with candidates pouring their funds into a few states instead of every state. We as American people should see it fit to ensure that candidates have to fight for every state. In that reality, it does not matter which state is counted first.