Do you want to pursue a passion in Photography? Look no further than RWU’s very own Photography Club!
This club meets Thursdays at 6PM in CAS 122. Each week, photographers are challenged to go out and capture scenes that match a specific theme.
For example, last week’s theme was “Artificial Light.” The club receives about 20 submissions in the current roster each week and there will be a slideshow putting everyone’s work on display as a new meeting commences. Each photographer is encouraged to talk about their photo in the weekly slideshow, but it is not mandatory.
Members will vote for their favorite photo, and the winner will: have their photo shown on the Instagram account (@rwuphotoclub), on the Roger Link page, and be honored in a congratulations email that all members can see. Also, the winner will be given a printed copy of their work on 8×10 photo paper whenever they are next available.

On top of the typical meetings, the club will hold fun games with guaranteed prizes! A big one is Photography Jeopardy, and the top 3 winners can have their choice of: a mug that resembles a camera lens, a mini adapter with ports for SD, Micro SD, USBA and USBC for all photo transferring needs, or a clip-on lens for a photo camera that increases to a wide angle. Some games may last up to 30-40 minutes, but are typically much shorter. Aside from games, tutorials are sometimes given for PhotoShop and LightRoom to help improve editing skills.
The Photography Club also hosts events! Off-campus getaways can include a trip to the Roger Williams Zoo or RISD Museum. Campus events may be a Light Painting event with string lights and glow wands, and a Powder Paint night where students throw colored powder at each other and take fun pictures of the aftermath. Get excited for even more creativity!
Everyone is welcome to future meetings, and do not be afraid to try something new! You will not regret it. Also, mark your calendars, because on Halloween day (Oct. 31st) the Photography Club will be hosting an event from 3-6PM on the Commons Quad where anyone can arrive in costume and get a portrait of themselves. Props and candy will be provided, and all photos will be posted on a gallery website called PixieSet, where they can be downloaded via QR code at the event, and on the Instagram page as well. Come and enjoy!