Every academic year, Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution collects data from all of the incidents that involve Roger Williams University students.
For the 2022 to 2023 year, underage alcohol possession had the highest number of reports at 138, second was attending an event with alcohol underage at 97. Third was the possession of drugs at 34.
The highest number of incidents occurred at Willow Residence Hall with 130 reports. Bayside comes second with 103, and third with 100 is off-campus housing in Bristol.
The 2022-2023 data shows a decrease in reported incidents from the previous academic year. Diana Proto, the director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, discussed that this was a positive thing.
“Sometimes that means things just aren’t being reported,” Proto said, “or the same things we have experienced in previous years just aren’t happening in greater numbers the following year.”
For student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, the importance of the annual bias incidents and general incidents report is transparency. Students have the opportunity to gain insight into the incidents that are reported on our campus.
“We want the student community to know that we’re doing a lot behind the scenes,” Proto said. “We want students to understand what is going on on campus on a big-picture level.”
Below are several tables and graphs from Student Conduct’s 2022-2023 Bias Incident report. The report itself covers the recorded number of incidents that involve harassment based on race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc.