From 11am to 2pm on Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, Bon Appetit in Upper Commons held Chowder Fest, a celebration of different chowder dishes as well as a competition of which chowder dish is the best.
Different selections of chowder dishes included “Vovo’s chowder,” roast corn chowder, and corn and lobster chowder, as well as various other flavors including shrimp, crab, and scallop. RWU students lined up to receive servings of chowder in cups to taste.
Afterwards, students could vote on which chowder they liked the most. Sean Costello, an Environmental Science student and avid chowder fan, went with some friends to try each chowder flavor, and he reports that he found the “Vovo’s Chowder” to be the best.
Another student said “Should be served again,” with another student calling it “Scrumdidlyumptious.” Another fan favorite was the roast corn chowder, with a student raving about how much she “enjoyed the soup.”
Overall, the Chowder Fest was a success: Costello describes it as “a fun thing to try out and compare what flavors you liked with friends.”