After a long first day of classes, dozens of students gathered under the Mt. Hope Bridge to see the sky that night. There was something special about it. A super blue moon was visible! A blue moon is what we call the second full moon of a month, something that only occurs once every 3 years. But this was not just any blue moon it was a super blue moon which happens when the moon is closer to the earth then normal resulting in an enlarged appearance. The next time these two events will coincide is hypothesized to be the year 2037. Even then it is unlikely that it will be on the first day of classes.
It is traditionally believed that a super blue moon represents a time of renewal and exploring new pursuits. Perhaps this is a sign of good luck for the incoming class of 2027 as they embrace college life. Or maybe it represents an opportunity for some of our upperclassmen to explore different programs and classes. Or maybe it is just an astrological phenomenon. Regardless this will certainly remain a special memory for all the students who were able to witness its rare beauty together.