RWU English and Creative Writing host a “Book Nook”
The English and Creative Writing department at RWU hosted a space for people to donate and take various reading materials
Having access to reading materials is a very important way to stay educated and entertained. However, for some people, it may be difficult to find certain books or even too expensive and having free access to these materials can be a godsend too many whether they be casual or avid readers.
That’s what the interns from the Roger Williams University Department of English and Creative Writing set out to do with their first Book Nook. Nestled in a corner of the third floor of the Global Heritage Hall sat a set of tables stacked with books ranging from history, music, fiction and textbooks. Taking inspiration from a previous event put on by the department a few years back, the Book Nook was started as a way to continue the tradition of “swapping” around books to new owners. Throughout the last week of September, students, faculty and staff were able to donate reading materials to the Book Nook and were also encouraged take any books that piqued their interest.
Senior intern Sydney Lauer spoke about the mission of the Book Nook and how it got started.
“Last semester there was a little scuttle about it, and this semester was really us putting it into action,” said Lauer. “Really just wanting to have a space or an event where people can just donate or take books.”
Another department intern, Sophia Thomas, spoke on her excitement when starting this project.
“With it being my first year as an intern for the department, when we were talking about the Book Nook, my face lit up, I was very excited” said Thomas. “I just wanted people to enjoy what I enjoy. I know a lot of people like reading as much as I do.”
The Book Nook was held from Sept 25 to 30 and while there are no plans to hold another this semester, both Lauer and Thomas are hope for it to return in the near future.
You can view the full interviews with Sydney Lauer and Sophia Thomas on The Hawks’ Vision.

Sam Elwell is the Managing Editor for The Hawks' Herald who has also served as the Opinions Editor (2021-2022) as well as a staff writer (2020...