How to make the most of your first semester
As a new academic year starts up, we should all acknowledge and take advantage of the social liberties we are slowly integrating back into our lives in a post-pandemic world. For those that attended Roger Williams University during the 2020-2021 academic year, you will remember just how little we were able to do despite attempts at university-sponsored gatherings and events. As for those who are freshmen, many of you may not have had full closure to your high school experience due to remote learning and are looking for a way to let out your excitement, enthusiasm and energy. Here are some good ways for you to stay a happy and active member of the RWU community and lay the foundation for a fulfilling college career.
First things first, try to find people who will be genuine friends that you can trust and who will stick with you. These are the people you will be spending the next four years with so make sure they want the same from you. Secondly, do not put other people’s happiness before your own. You should never let your physical or mental health suffer at the expense of others and learning how to balance your health and social life is a skill worth picking up as soon as possible.
As for what to do in your free time, RWU often holds events that are open to all students. I suggest going to as many as possible, not only to get used to the campus but also the clubs and organizations. In my experience, everyone working these events is very welcoming and wants to help and get to know everyone that passes through.
That leads to my next suggestion: get involved! There are plenty of groups to join on campus for hobbies or special interests and may even be a great addition to your academics. Communications major? Start a radio show on WQRI! Studying Environmental Science or sustainability? Apply to be part of the Eco-Reps team! There are plenty of clubs to pick and choose from that anyone can participate in, no matter your background.
My final piece of advice for our newest class of freshmen is this: keep up with your academics, stay involved and social and most importantly, make the most of the next four years because this is a prime opportunity to become the best version of yourself.

Sam Elwell is the Managing Editor for The Hawks' Herald who has also served as the Opinions Editor (2021-2022) as well as a staff writer (2020...