RWU announces fall COVID-19 prevention policies
In an email sent by Vice President of Student Life Dr. John King, RWU announced the university’s coronavirus prevention policies regarding the upcoming fall semester. King said RWU “will be fully open for in-person classes, university housing, activities and athletics this fall semester.”
King also said, “we will continue to monitor Rhode Island Department of Health and CDC guidance relevant to higher education institutions.”
A PowerPoint outlining the policies was attached as well.
For both vaccinated and unvaccinated students (with RWU approved exemption), a rapid test during the check-in process is required. In addition, COVID-19 testing is required every other week for vaccinated students, while it is required one to two times a week. Beyond that, vaccinated students have much more liberty in regard to COVID-19 protocols, with masking indoors and outdoors both being optional. Unvaccinated students on the other hand are recommended to wear masks outdoors and required to wear them indoors as well.
RWU has also outlined the COVID-19 prevention protocols for athletics, club sports and intramurals, with COVID-19 testing once per week being required for vaccinated students and twice per week for unvaccinated students. Furthermore, unvaccinated students are required to wear a mask during practice and competition, while it remains optional for vaccinated students. Team travel and trips will be permitted for vaccinated students if testing protocols are maintained, and is to be determined for unvaccinated students.
A common complaint of the COVID-19 protocols last year was the changes to the fitness center, specifically the need to make a reservation in order to use it. This fall, however, while there are still designated hours for vaccinated students, there is also expanded occupancy and optional masking. Unvaccinated students will still have to make a reservation for access to the fitness center and be required to wear a mask.
The rules regarding guests are the same for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students, they are only allowed to bring vaccinated guests, unless during move-in, in which case they must be properly masked.
The first day of classes begins on Tuesday, August 31.

Luke Brennan is the Editor-in-Chief of The Hawks' Herald, previously serving as Managing Editor (2021-2022), Opinions Editor (2020-2021) and as a...