Cast a line for the Spring Bass Derby
Tyler Pratt shows off the bass he caught for Fishing Club’s fishing derby.
During the last few weeks, the Roger Williams University Fishing Club has been hosting its first-ever competition for RWU students. The Roger Williams Spring Bass Derby began on Saturday, April 10 and it will be ending Friday, May 7. Prizes will be awarded on Saturday, May 8.
“If the derby continues to show the promise it has so far, we hope to make it an annual event,” said Fishing Club President Charles Heyder. “Going forward we would probably choose to have a more expansive version in the fall semester when fishing conditions tend to be more favorable.”
Students can submit entries in three different categories: the Schoolie Class, the Slot Class and the Largemouth Bass (LMB) Class.
For the Schoolie Class category, the person who catches the most schoolie bass by the end of the derby wins the prize of a plug bag full of saltwater lures. These fish can be caught along the coast and are attracted to both bait and artificial lures. Striped bass that are under 28 inches in length are also included.
For the Slot Class category, the person who catches the largest striped bass by the end of the derby wins the prize of a Shimano Stradic 3000. Slot fish are typically between 28 to 35 inches in length, however, the Fishing Club hopes to see some that go above and beyond that size.
Finally, for the LMB Class category, the person who catches the largest largemouth bass by the end of the derby wins an assortment of freshwater baits. While the other categories are for those who enjoy fishing for saltwater fish, this category is for freshwater fishermen.
“We hope students gain an appreciation for the location of our campus and truly begin to understand all it has to offer,” Heyder said.
There are still a few weeks left for students to enter and the waters should be getting warm enough for stripers to return to the bay before students leave for summer break.
To enter, students must contact the Fishing Club through Hawk Link, where they can also find more information regarding the derby under the club documents section. It is important to note that students must also include proof of a Rhode Island Fishing License, which can be purchased online through
All entries must be submitted to the Fishing Club Derby Instagram account @rwu_fishing_derby, where each will be posted. Participants should make sure to include a photo or video of their fish being measured as well as the date the fish was caught. One way to do it is to include a phone’s lock screen in the shot.
“Fishing is a prominent part of the Bristol culture and the favorite pastime of many Roger students, which is why creating a community of individuals who share a common passion has been a primary goal of our e-board,” Heyder said.