Companies are taking pumpkin spice to the next level
This popular fall flavor is no longer just for coffee, tea and doughnuts
Del’s Lemonade has unveiled a new pumpkin spice lemonade flavor for the fall.
Fall is the prime time for companies to release their pumpkin spice options for customers. This iconic, seasonal flavor is so popular that coffee shops such as Dunkin’ start selling their pumpkin doughnuts and lattes in mid-August. Each year more and more companies implement different pumpkin spice concoctions to get in on the craze.
While some of the marketed options make sense and sound like they taste good, other options are completely bizarre. So, to figure out what kind of pumpkin spice lover you are, check out the following products and see whether or not you would be bold enough to try them.
Pumpkin Spice Del’s Lemonade
That’s right, Rhode Island’s finest frozen lemonade business has proudly introduced its new 2020 flavor: pumpkin spice flavored lemonade. The new concoction is a mix of pumpkin puree, sweet potato puree, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg; they’ll even top it off with whipped cream! The reviews on the product have been mixed but are mostly positive according to the company. If you’re looking to test out the new flavor, you can find Del’s Lemonade at 65 Child St. in Warren and at 337 Thames St. in Newport.
Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies
Hostess has expanded its Twinkies selection to include Pumpkin Spice Twinkies. The classic snack cake that every child in America has likely tried at one point or another is perfect for anyone who needs a sugar rush and loves pumpkin. The creamy inside is a sugary, pumpkin filling and packages can be found at your local Target. The product must be doing well as it has returned for the fall season each year since 2015.
Pumpkin Spice Jell-O
Marketed as both an instant pudding and pie filler, Pumpkin Spice Jell-O is already selling out at Walmarts across Rhode Island. This limited edition item is becoming harder to find, but don’t worry: Amazon still has some in stock! While the classic strawberry and cherry flavors may be your favorites, pumpkin spice could be a new favorite if you are daring enough to try it.
Boom Chicka Pop: Pumpkin Spice Drizzled Kettle Corn
Boom Chicka Pop is shaking up its popcorn flavors with its new pumpkin spice edition. The company says the flavor is a lot like “pouncing on a pile of crunchy autumn leaves while a pumpkin pie cools on a nearby window sill.” The reviews have been both positive and negative, but come to the same consensus: the pumpkin taste is minimal and it has more of a cinnamon and nutmeg taste. The treat, however, is a good option if you’re looking for food that will crush cravings with only 100 calories per cup. Pumpkin Spice Drizzled Kettle Corn can be found at Stop & Shop and Shaw’s.
Swiss Miss: Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate
Combine fall and winter and what do you get? Pumpkin Spice Hot Cocoa from Swiss Miss! While this season’s warmer temperatures may not have you in the mood for hot cocoa, this limited edition might be one to try. Although it’s expensive ($18.98 on Amazon), consider it an investment. The flavor has gotten strong approval ratings, and if you stock up now, you can have enough pumpkin spice until next season.

Emma Bartlett was the Hawks’ Herald Arts and Culture Editor — serving students with news about theater, visual arts, and dance performances on...
Emily Dvareckas graduated from RWU in 2022 with a degree in forensic science. She spent three years with The Hawks’ Herald as the photo editor...