A glimpse at this year’s fall concert
Hawks, get ready for a fall concert that will be available to you right from your residence hall! This year’s performance hosted by the Campus Entertainment Network (CEN) will be fully virtual with additional benefits that students have not had access to before.
“The performance will be followed by a live Q-and-A session on Zoom that will allow for a new and improved level of interaction with the artist,” said CEN’s Traditions Co-Chairs Sydney Holmes and Rees Harold.
The country-pop artist, whose identity remains a mystery, has prepared a musical selection exclusively for RWU. The show will begin at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 6, and students can access the virtual event by submitting an RSVP on Hawk Link. Attendees will then receive an email from CEN with a Zoom link to the concert.
Although there will be no big stage, games or food, students can still have fun social distancing with their friends while they tune in to the concert virtually. CEN is even encouraging viewers to share pictures on social media of how they are watching the performance. Whether you’re watching the event while having a socially distanced picnic with friends or listening to the music while having a game night, know you can make this a memorable experience in many ways.
“We have worked to adapt our campus traditions to be as safe as possible while continuing to engage RWU during this pandemic,” Holmes and Harold said.
The organization has seen changes in programming after moving from in-person to virtual events. It has taken careful planning to ensure student safety during these interesting times. But facing obstacles has also resulted in a lot of creative ways to host campus events like never before.
“We hope each student who logs into the fall concert makes the most of their experience, no matter where they are,” Holmes and Harold said.

Emma Bartlett was the Hawks’ Herald Arts and Culture Editor — serving students with news about theater, visual arts, and dance performances on...