Ways to be a better roommate this semester

This semester will look a lot different than previous semesters with increased sanitation, online and hybrid classes taking place and new social distancing measures. Living with roommates can be another hurdle students have to cross this year. Here are some tips to ensure roommates can live together nicely and safely.

  • Take personal sanitation precautions. Make sure you are using hand sanitizer or washing your hands when you need to.

  • Keep yourself healthy. Keeping yourself healthy will allow your roommate to come back to a safe environment at the end of the day.

  • Communicate about class schedules. With some class instruction being taught online, students will need a quiet space to attend virtual classes and study without being interrupted. Tell each other what each of your schedules looks like to ensure there are no surprise interruptions during class.

  • Make a cleaning schedule. Determine who will clean what and when so one person does not have to do all the cleaning all the time. This will establish a regular cleaning schedule for your room to help keep everyone healthy.

  • Talk to your roommate about having permitted guests over. Make sure your roommate is okay with you bringing other people into the room and listen to them if they have concerns about others coming in.