Racy Stacy: You’re allergic to what?!
We all know protecting ourselves during sex is important. But what happens when your choices are limited? What do you do when you have a latex allergy? For most, carrying a condom is second nature and worrying about the actual condom happens for a split second. But a latex allergy forces you to plan in advance.
I talked to a fellow RWU student with this allergy about her experiences.
She told me, “generally when I tell someone they think I’m joking.” Now, her experience when approaching the act is often reacted with ignorance. “I always tell my partner. If I don’t they whip out a regular condom that I truly fear will explode from the inside out.”
So what do you do? The simplest solution is the obvious one: don’t use a condom. While that solves your problem for the moment, that also leaves you vulnerable to STIs –– especially when having sex with someone new.
Our RWU student gave her take, “They say, ‘Oh I see you don’t use condoms –– blah blah blah.’ Like no. Get your grimy dick away from me. Please put this condom on.” There are a variety of different forms of contraception that can take the place of a regular condom.
Polyurethane condoms are a popular alternative because they prevent STDs and pregnancy. The American Latex Allergy Association does warn that “clinical breakage rates are higher with non-latex condoms vs latex.” Female condoms are also all produced with polyurethane making them another option.
For one, our RWU student says “If you wanna branch out and be a little freaky you could get lambskin condoms, 15 bucks. Smells awful. Best condoms I have ever used.”

Condom brands like Trojan are becoming more aware when it comes to allergies and started producing latex free options, however, the ALAA says they are “roughly double the price of latex condoms.” So, before your next Netflix and Chill, make sure you’ve got the right rubber, or rubber substitute, for you and your partner.