On the Fly with Ryan Burrill

We sat down with junior Ryan Burrill, a member of the golf team, and asked him a series of rapid fire questions on a variety of subjects. Here are his answers:

Age: 20

Hometown: Southington, Conn.

Major/Minor: Marketing major, Finance and Graphic Design minor

Why golf? I started because of my family. My dad played so I started in high school

Why golf in college? I played soccer freshman year, but I got a concussion so I went out for the [golf] team in my sophomore year.

Favorite color? Definitely blue.

Favorite movie? Most recently “21.” It’s about gambling at MIT.

Favorite TV show to bingewatch? Definitely “Friends.”

Favorite musician? If I had to pick, I’d say Imagine Dragons.

If you were an animal, what would you be? I would be an eagle because it would be pretty cool to fly.

What 3 items would you bring to a deserted island? I would bring a variety of food, duct tape — because I feel like that’s good for anything — and a soccer ball to keep myself occupied.

What would your superhero power be? Flying.

What would your super villain power be? Reading minds would probably be cool.

What is your dream vacation? Any tropical island.

Do you have any outside hobbies? Besides intramural soccer, I like to run.