What’s happening in D.C.?

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirsten Nielsen, is out of the Trump Administration. Since she took the post in December of 2017, she came under fire from the president because he believed she was not doing enough to curb illegal immigration. She also was criticized by many due to the policy of separating children from parents at the border. According to POLITICO, both Nielsen and Trump became frustrated with each other and believed the best course of action was a resignation. The administration wants the Department of Homeland Security to take a tougher stance on illegal immigration.
Nationally, the democratic primary field has added another. Tim Ryan, democratic Congressman from Ohio, threw his hat into the ring. With around 18 major candidates announced, this race is looking to be a hectic one. With candidates blitzing early states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the media can barely cover them all. 
According to a RealClear Politics poll, former Vice President Joe Biden (who has not announced) leads with 28 percent, while Senator Bernie Sanders is at 21.8 percent. Third place is Senator Kamala Harris at 9.8 percent, with former Representative Beto O’Rourke not far behind at 9.2 percent. We are a little less than a year from the first votes being cast in the primary and a lot can change in that time. All this reporter knows is that we are in for a long and wild primary process.