Racy Stacy: sex droughts

For some, a dry spell will only last a few weeks, while for others, a dry spell can last for months, or maybe even years. So, we’re getting to the bottom of it — are dry spells normal, and can they actually be a good thing?


I know people always say, “oh it’s been so long since I’ve hooked up with someone.” But how long is considered long? I wanted to see where other Roger Williams University students fell on the spectrum of how long it’s been since they were between the sheets.

Student 1: “I haven’t been in a relationship in a little over two years, but I haven’t gone more than two weeks without having sex. I don’t know how people go so long.”


Student 2: “Well, let’s see. My boyfriend and I broke up in 2016 and I haven’t been with anyone since. Wow, it’s been longer than I thought.”


There are a few different reasons we end up stranded in the desert and dry spells are traditionally seen in a negative light. However, there are also some positive sides to only being with me, myself and I.


According to Planned Parenthood, periods of sexual rest can allow your body’s hormone levels to reset.  A sexual respite might also be needed after a breakup. Take the time you need to heal mentally before jumping into (or onto) something new.

Now, let’s not forget ladies and gentlemen, you don’t always need a partner for a pleasurable pastime. There are many other ways to release that sexual frustration. It’s also important to not get discouraged, as one student put it, “dry spells are tough when you’re in one, but then the anticipation builds up and the sex is great.”

When your sexual drought does finally come to an end — and it will end — always make sure to use protection to prevent STDs.