Stop by to watch RWU Theatre’s performance of “The Mandrake”
If you need a night that’ll entertain you and keep you laughing, then the RWU Performing Arts Center is the place to go.
Beginning on Friday, Feb. 28, theatre students acted out Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Mandrake” for the public. The plot began with Callimaco, a wealthy individual, who decides to win over Lucrezia, the most beautiful woman in Italy. There’s only one problem – she’s already married. Callimaco shares his troubles with Ligurio, a scheming con man, and with Ligurio’s help, the two hatch a plan to lead Lucrezia away from Sr. Nicia, her husband.
RWU’s version of “The Mandrake” was well-performed with very talented actors and actresses. Alex Bowden, who played Sr. Nicia, did an impeccable job personifying his character as a decrepit man. He incorporated a stereotypical “old man’s voice” into the play and maintained the voice effect for the entire 70 minutes. Even the smaller movements of twitching his hands, wobbling and using labored breathing to show exhaustion really captured the audience’s attention and created such a believable character.
It was also evident that each actor was well practiced, and their hard work paid off. Maggie Everett, who played Callimaco, embodied her role through her actions and facial expressions. Although reciting lines is important, actions speak louder than words and time and time again Everett proved this throughout the play.
Comedy was also not lacking. “The Mandrake” included contemporary humor by poking fun at millennials, Jeffery Epstein and parents who don’t vaccinate their children. Along with an assortment of sexual jokes, the audience was continuously cracking up.
“The Mandrake” is 70 minutes long with no intermission. The content and humor are geared toward mature audiences so younger viewers should be cautioned beforehand. The play will continue to show until Wednesday, March 4. Tickets can be purchased at the door of the Performing Arts Center (the Barn) on campus before they run out. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for seniors and $15 for the general public. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. except for the March 1 matinee which commences at 2 p.m.

Emma Bartlett was the Hawks’ Herald Arts and Culture Editor — serving students with news about theater, visual arts, and dance performances on...