Student Senate and Inter-Class Council election results

The Hawks’ Herald is proud to announce the results of the 2020-2021 Student Senate and Inter-Class Council elections. 

Student Senate President:  

Samuel Avila


Student Senators: 

Michaela Aptt

Braelin Ash

Bryanna Bay

Jade Beausoleil

Adam Cavanaugh

Luis De Ugarte

Allie DeFabritiis

Zach Domian

Jestina Gilbert

Jacob Hartzler

Ainsley Iovanna

Tatevik Khachatryan

Zachary Lafontaine

Christopher Langlois

Adam Rose

Jordan St. Onge


Inter-Class Council:

Class of 2021

President: Kady Long

Vice President: Judith Suffrard

Treasurer: Mia Bettencourt

Secretary: Basia Bibbo

Class of 2022

President: Lauren LaDuke

Vice President: Ava Wilkens

Treasurer: Gillian Lewis

Class of 2023

Vice President: Emma Karten


Over 1,000 students voted in this election, which was unique since it was run mostly online due to the closure of campus. Many running had to find creative ways to campaign, which involved everything from making Tik Toks to reposting online campaign posters on Instagram. Some did find these methods slightly difficult at first. 

“Running an online election was in ways both easier and tougher than running an in-person campaign,” said freshman Ainsley Iovanna. “It was difficult to ensure people were seeing me as a candidate and willing to vote for me.”

Iovanna said without her friends sharing her election posters and information, she doubts she would have been re-elected.

“It was important to just have fun with it, which is what I did,” said junior Tatevik Khachatryan, a candidate for student body president who has now accepted a general senator seat. “Although it would have been nice to still have the in-person campaigning, this was interesting and I am glad I was a part of it.” 

Many of the senators elected said they hope to be more involved with students and advocacy on campus this upcoming year. 

“My personal hope is that we can get ourselves out of the weird funk we have been in this year,” said junior Adam Rose. “My main goal is to turn the Student Senate into a machine built for advocacy that will continuously push for the changes that students need and demand.”

Rose said some things he plans to work on include making sure the school is transparent and helping to create plans to make sure campus is safe. 

“We all know that the current COVID-19 pandemic caught RWU off guard, but this now provides us with the opportunity to develop permanent strategic plans,” Rose said.

“After coming back to campus from this pandemic it is going to be hard to get back to normalcy,” said freshman Jordan St. Onge. “I feel as if we may face issues regarding the aftermath of this virus.”

St. Onge hopes that the Senate tackles the issue of sustainability on campus as well. She said this is a pressing issue and they need all the help from student leaders that they can get.

The new Student Senate, Senate 47, will be sworn in on May 4. When they come back to campus in August, they will be tackling issues relating to the aftermath of COVID-19 along with a slew of other topics. 

“We need to let the students know that we are here for them, and we want to make their time at RWU the best it can be,” said sophomore Allie DeFabritiis.